A Guide to Gastric Sleeve Procedure, Risks, and Costs in Canada

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a type of weight loss surgery that involves the removal of a portion of the stomach to create a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. The procedure is usually recommended for patients who have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 40 or more, or a BMI of 35-39.9 with obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or high blood pressure.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes between one and two hours to complete. During the procedure, the surgeon will remove about 80-85% of the stomach, leaving behind a smaller stomach that is roughly the size and shape of a banana. The smaller stomach size results in reduced appetite and a feeling of fullness after consuming smaller portions of food.

The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Canada varies depending on the province and the specific clinic. The average cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Canada is around $16,000-$20,000 CAD, but this can vary depending on factors such as the surgeon’s experience and the location of the clinic. In some cases, the surgery may be partially or fully covered by provincial health insurance if certain criteria are met.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with gastric sleeve surgery. Some potential risks include bleeding, infection, blood clots, and reactions to anesthesia. Patients should discuss the risks and potential complications with their surgeon before making a decision about the surgery.

After the surgery, patients will need to follow a strict diet plan to allow the stomach to heal properly. This typically involves consuming only liquids for the first few weeks after surgery, then gradually transitioning to soft foods and then solid foods. Patients will also need to commit to a lifelong diet and exercise plan to maintain their weight loss and avoid complications.

The benefits of gastric sleeve surgery can be significant for patients who have struggled with obesity and related health conditions. Studies have shown that patients who undergo gastric sleeve surgery can lose an average of 60-70% of their excess weight within the first year after surgery. In addition to weight loss, the surgery can also lead to improvement or resolution of obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure.

It is important to note that gastric sleeve surgery is not a quick fix for weight loss and should only be considered after other weight loss methods have been attempted without success. The surgery is not without risks, and patients should carefully consider the potential benefits and risks before deciding to undergo the procedure.

In conclusion, gastric sleeve surgery is a weight loss surgery that can be effective for patients who have struggled to lose weight through traditional methods. However, it is important to carefully consider the risks and potential complications before deciding to undergo the surgery. Patients should also be aware of the costs associated with the surgery and whether or not it is covered by their provincial health insurance. Ultimately, the decision to undergo gastric sleeve surgery should be made in consultation with a qualified surgeon and after careful consideration of all the available options.